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BankData Fast Coding - Transaction Rules


Rules are applied to uncoded transactions in a selected Bank Feed.

Where a transaction matches multiple rules, the rule with the highest priority will be used. Prioritise the rules by dragging and dropping the rule list order.

Access the Rules List using the icon. The Rules list will display the Rule Name, Account Code and Type of each rule, the Rule can be expanded to display further details by clicking the Expand icon.

Creating a Transaction Rule

There are several ways to create a Transaction Rule:

  • Within the Coding window when you click the Actions icon and select Add Rule
  • Using the CTRL + M Shortcut
  • from the Split Transaction window, click on the Create Rule button
  • from the Rules List window, there is an Add Rule button at the top of the page

In all cases, any coding that you have already completed on the transaction will be brought across to the Rule.

After creating the rule, click Save.

When creating the Transaction Rule:

  • Give the Rule a name that you will be able to recognise it by
  • Set the Rule Criteria — conditions that the transaction needs to meet
  • Allocate account, tax codes, and description to apply to the transaction


Each Rule must contain at least one Description or Amount condition. 

Description Conditions 

  1. All of these words —  - transactions must include all the words you specify (in any order)  
  2. Any of these words —  - transactions must include any of the words in the description  
  3. This exact wording – transactions must match exactly what you have entered in the rule:  all the words and spaces, in the same order, with no additional text 
  4. Contains —  - this condition will match against any string of text (words and spaces)  
If you use the Exact Wording criteria, the Rule won't apply to a transaction if the Bank Description has multiple spaces between words, unless your criteria also have the same number of spaces.

Amount Conditions: 

  1. Greater than – applied to transactions that have an amount more than specified 
  2. Equal to —  - applied to transactions that have the exact amount specified. 
  3. Less than —  - applied to transactions that have an amount less than is specified 

You can also set a Criteria against the Type and Ref fields:

Type Criteria for Rules

We’ve added the ability to create a Rule based on the Type field.

The criteria that can be applied to the Type field are:

  1. All of these words —  - transactions must include all the words you specify (in any order)  
  2. Any of these words —  - transactions must include any of the words in the description  
  3. This exact wording – transactions must match exactly what you have entered in the rule:  all the words and spaces, in the same order, with no additional text 
  4. Contains —  - this condition will match against any string of text (words and spaces)  
  5. Ref Conditions 
  6. All of these words —  - transactions must include all the words you specify (in any order)  
  7. Any of these words —  - transactions must include any of the words in the Ref
  8. This exact wording – transactions must match exactly what you have entered in the rule:  all the words and spaces, in the same order, with no additional text 
  9. Contains —  - this condition will match against any string of text (words and spaces)  

When setting up the Rule, the Rule Name field is limited to 50 characters, all other fields, Description etc allow up to 100 characters.


Enter how the transaction should be allocated, selecting Account, Tax Code, Contact, Description Contact & Class.

Click Add Allocation to split the transaction to multiple lines.

Applying a Rule

When a transaction matches the criteria set in the Rule, the name of the Rule will appear in the Account Field with a Rule button. Click the Rule button to either Accept or Decline the Rule.

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