Cannot find Payroll Premier data files

Legacy KB ID: 4176


Why aren’t my Payroll Premier data and associated files in the default path of C:\Program Files\QPRollvXX?


This issue will be experienced by Windows 7 & Vista users who installed Payroll Premier in C:\Program Files\QPRollvXX and not directly into the C drive at C:\QPRollvXX. 

Program Files is a restricted folder in the Windows 7 & Vista operating systems and will allow only users with Administrator privileges to write to this folder and the application does not have these privileges.

The subfolders affected are:

  1. \Backup
  2. \Data
  3. \Export
  4. \Reports
  5. \PDF

Windows 7 & Vista will write any files meant for the protected folder to a Virtual Store subfolder at:  C:\Users\<logged in user>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\



Uninstall Payroll Premier and reinstall to C:\QPRollvXX

When re-installing, at the "Select destination directory" screen, click the Browse button and select C:

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