An error occurred creating the end-of-day file. The sales data has not been reset.

Legacy KB ID: 4379


Why do I get this error every time I try to process an End of Day in Retail Point of Sale?

An error occurred creating the end-of-day file.  The sales data has not been reset. 

Make sure the end-of-day file location, ‘C:\Reckon\Retail Point of sale Professional 2011-12 Administrator\’ is accessible and click next to try again.



You are likely to get this error if your Terminal ID name contains illegal characters.

Illegal characters are those characters on  the numbers row on the keyboard (the first row):  ~  !  @  #  $  %  ^  &  *  (  )  _  +  -  =.



Rename the Terminal ID using letters and numbers only. 

1.    In POS Terminal: Tools > Options > General;

2.    In the Terminal ID field, enter a new name using letters and numbers only;

3.    Click OK to save. 


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