Leave not refreshing in Payroll Premier

Legacy KB ID: 4436


Why doesn’t Leave accrue correctly for some or all of my employees?


Leave will not accrue properly for a couple of reasons:

·         Leave Accrual rate has not been correctly set

·         The Leave Payroll Item has not been set to accrue when other forms of leave are taken – eg, Leave accrues when the employee is on Annual Leave.

·         Multiple period options used in various forms of leave on the Employee’s record

·         Data corruption.




Check that the Accrual Rate has been correctly calculated.

For example, the normal working week is 38 hours, and 4 weeks of annual leave are allowed.  The Employee is paid on an hourly rate basis and accumulates leave on an hours worked basis.  The Accrual rate per hour will be:

Full-time hours in the year:  38 x 52 = 1,976 hours

Full-time Annual Leave in the year:  4 x 38 = 152 hours

Leave Hours to accrue per hour worked:  152 / 1,976 = 0.07692

In this example, as leave hours were included in the calculation of total hours worked in the year, leave will accrue when the employee is on annual and personal leave. 


Check that the Leave Payroll Item is correctly configured

1.    Lists > Pay Rates > (Annual) Leave;

2.    The multiplier should be 1.0000;

3.    Tick Use as Normal Hours Pay Rate

This means that ordinary time earnings pay rate (Normal Hours) will be used as the rate of pay;

4.    If leave hours were included in the  calculation of total hours worked in the year, then tick the box Enable Leave Accrual;

5.    If leave hours were excluded in the calculation of total hours worked in the year, then do not tick the box Enable Leave Accrual.


Reduce the types of periods used in the Employee’s record

It is preferable that all leave types included in the employee’s record accumulate leave according to the same accrual period:   use Normal Hours, Pays, Weeks, etc. For all leave types. 


Rebuild the file to eliminate corruption

File > Rebuild > Tick all items except Super items


If the problem persists, then continue with the following steps:

1.    Copy down leave details for affected employees.

2.    Delete the leave lines in the Leave tab for the affected employees.

3.    Rebuild the data file (this can take a long time).

4.    Tick all options to rebuild except Super options.

5.    You can try just recalculating leave first (faster) but if it doesn't work you then have to go back and rebuild all option except Super again.

6.    Enter the leave lines in the employees’ records as copied down before.

7.    Create a pay run and observed that the leave has accrued correctly.

8.    Repeat these steps for all employees whose leave is not accruing correctly. 


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