Pay Event

Once you've processed your Payroll, you also need to do a Single Touch Payroll submission to the Australian Tax Office for all employee's paid in that PayEvent.

Single Touch Payroll lodgements include each Employee's YTD amounts as well as the Total Gross and Total PAYG for that payrun, the Total Gross & PAYG is then used by the ATO to pre-fill the W1 & W2 fields of the BAS when lodging via SBR2.


Submitting Single Touch Payroll Data

After processing your pay, you will need to lodge your Single Touch Payroll via Reckon GovConnect STP. 

To Export your data out of Reckon Accounts: 

  1. Go to Employees menu, click Process Single Touch Payroll
  2. Select the Payrun you are exporting from the Payrun drop down
  3. In this section you are able to select the pay event you wish to submit in the Payrun dropdown.
Up until Reckon Accounts 2019 R2, pay events are shown via the checkbox whether it is a Full File Replacement, Update Event or Final Pay event for the year. If left unchecked it will be treated as a regular pay event.
From Reckon Accounts 2020 R1 onward, the pay events are shown in a drop-down menu. Click here to learn more.
  1. You can also view the details of the pay run including the Total Gross and PAYG that will be included in the submission.
    For Update and Finalise Year type of events, Total Gross and PAYG are not sent to the ATO as per STP requirements.
  2. Select the Employees whose information you want to include in the lodgement
  3. Click the Lodge (available until RA 2019 R2) or Export (available from RA 2020 R1) button 
  4. Reckon Accounts creates the STP file and prompts you to save it in the Reckon Accounts root directory (for example: C:\ProgramData\Reckon\ReckonAccounts[year]\[product]\[company_file_name]\Export Files\STP Files).
  5. For Reckon Accounts Hosted the export file is saved in the Q: drive. To save the file for uploading to the Reckon GovConnect STP application, click Lodge. A windows save dialogue will then appear where you can then save the STP file for uploading.
  6. Once the file is saved, the Reckon Portal will automatically open asking you to login.
  7. Once logged in, you can open the Reckon GovConnect Single Touch Payroll application. 
  8. You will then upload the exported STP file in Reckon GovConnect, review the submission and lodge to the ATO

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