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List of Supported Fonts for Reckon Accounts Hosted 2023 onwards


Technology changes rapidly, and keeping up with these changes can be challenging.

To ensure that Reckon Accounts Hosted remains secure and functional over time, we must make updates and adjustments where required. Unfortunately, this means that some features may need to be removed or replaced. While we regret any inconvenience this may cause, we hope you understand that it is necessary for the overall health and stability of Reckon Accounts Hosted.

As such, upgrading to the latest environment and technology has required a change to fonts commencing from 13 December 2023, this update will impact the available fonts within Reckon Accounts Hosted.

The default fonts used in Reckon Accounts are the following:

  • Arial Bold (TrueType)
  • Arial (TrueType)
  • Times New Roman (TrueType)
  • Courier New (TrueType)

If your Form Template contains an unsupported font, you will receive a message similar to below when printing.

You can click OK to continue the print, but it will substitute a default font in place of the unsupported one.

The message will appear for each affected Form in the Print Job. e.g. If you print 10 Invoices each with unsupported fonts, you will receive the message 10 times (unless you click Cancel to cancel the print)

The message may also be hidden behind the Reckon Hosted interface, if the printing appears to have frozen, press ALT + PAGE UP to switch between windows and bring the warning to the front.

When modifying the template to update the Font selection, it would display a blank entry, which is indicative of an unavailable font.

Guide on how to modify Fonts on forms in Reckon Accounts

List of Supported fonts

List updated as of 01 February 2024 in preparation for the upcoming system upgrade.

There are more than 150 Font Styles available in the new environment.

Arial Black
Arial Black Oblique
Arial Bold
Arial Bold Italic
Arial Italic
Avenir Next LT Pro Bold
Avenir Next LT Pro Bold Oblique
Bahnschrift Bold
Bahnschrift Bold Condensed
Bahnschrift Bold SemiCondensed
Bahnschrift Condensed
Bahnschrift Light
Bahnschrift Light Condensed
Bahnschrift Light SemiCondensed
Bahnschrift SemiCondensed
Bahnschrift SemiBold
Bahnschrift SemiBold Condensed
Bahnschrift SemiBold SemiCondensed
Bahnschrift SemiLight
Bahnschrift SemiLight Condensed
Bahnschrift SemiLight SemiCondensed
Calibri Bold
Calibri Bold Italic
Calibri Italic
Calibri Light
Calibri Light Italic
Cambria Bold
Cambria Bold Italic
Cambria Italic
Cambria Math
Cambria Math Bold
Cambria Math Bold Oblique
Cambria Math Oblique
Candara Bold
Candara Bold Italic
Candara Italic
Candara Light
Candara Light Italic
Comic Sans MS
Comic Sans MS Bold
Comic Sans MS Bold Italic
Comic Sans MS Italic
Consolas Bold
Consolas Bold Italic
Consolas Italic
Constantia Bold
Constantia Bold Italic
Constantia Italic
Corbel Bold
Corbel Bold Italic
Corbel Italic
Corbel Light
Corbel Light Italic
Courier Bold
Courier Bold Oblique
Courier Oblique
Courier New
Courier New Bold
Courier New Bold Italic
Courier New Italic
Dotum Bold
Dotum Bold Oblique
Dotum Oblique
DotumChe Bold
DotumChe Bold Oblique
DotumChe Oblique
Ebrima Bold
Ebrima Bold Oblique
Ebrima Oblique
Fixedsys Bold
Fixedsys Bold Oblique
Fixedsys Oblique
FontAwesome Bold
FontAwesome Bold Oblique
FontAwesome Oblique
Franklin Gothic Medium
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic
Franklin Gothic Bold
Franklin Gothic Italic Bold
Gabriola Bold
Gabriola Bold Oblique
Gabriola Oblique
Gadugi Bold
Gadugi Bold Oblique
Gadugi Oblique
Georgia Bold
Georgia Bold Italic
Georgia Italic
Gulim Bold
Gulim Bold Oblique
Gulim Oblique
GulimChe Bold
GulimChe Bold Oblique
GulimChe Oblique
Impact Bold
Impact Bold Oblique
Impact Oblique
Ink Free
Ink Free Bold
Ink Free Bold Oblique
Ink Free Oblique
Javanese Text
Javanese Text Bold
Javanese Text Bold Oblique
Javanese Text Oblique
Leelawadee UI
Leelawadee UI Bold
Leelawadee UI Bold Oblique
Leelawadee UI Semilight
Leelawadee UI Semilight Oblique
Leelawadee UI Oblique
Lucida Console
Lucida Console Bold
Lucida Console Bold Oblique
Lucida Console Oblique
Lucida Sans Unicode
Lucida Sans Unicode Bold
Lucida Sans Unicode Bold Oblique
Lucida Sans Unicode Oblique
Malgun Gothic
Malgun Gothic Bold
Malgun Gothic Bold Oblique
Malgun Gothic Semilight
Malgun Gothic Semilight Oblique
Malgun Gothic Oblique
Marlett Bold
Marlett Bold Oblique
Marlett Medium
Marlett Medium Oblique
Microsoft Himalaya
Microsoft Himalaya Bold
Microsoft Himalaya Bold Oblique
Microsoft Himalaya Oblique
Microsoft JhengHei
Microsoft JhengHei Bold
Microsoft JhengHei Bold Oblique
Microsoft JhengHei Light
Microsoft JhengHei Light Oblique
Microsoft JhengHei Oblique
Microsoft JhengHei UI
Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold
Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold Oblique
Microsoft JhengHei UI Light
Microsoft JhengHei UI Light Oblique
Microsoft JhengHei UI Oblique
Microsoft New Tai Lue
Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold
Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold Oblique
Microsoft New Tai Lue Oblique
Microsoft PhagsPa
Microsoft PhagsPa Bold
Microsoft PhagsPa Bold Oblique
Microsoft PhagsPa Oblique
Microsoft Sans Serif
Microsoft Sans Serif Bold
Microsoft Sans Serif Bold Oblique
Microsoft Sans Serif Oblique
Microsoft Tai Le
Microsoft Tai Le Bold
Microsoft Tai Le Bold Oblique
Microsoft Tai Le Oblique
Microsoft YaHei
Microsoft YaHei Bold
Microsoft YaHei Bold Oblique
Microsoft YaHei Light
Microsoft YaHei Light Oblique
Microsoft YaHei Oblique
Microsoft YaHei UI
Microsoft YaHei UI Bold
Microsoft YaHei UI Bold Oblique
Microsoft YaHei UI Light
Microsoft YaHei UI Light Oblique
Microsoft YaHei UI Oblique
Microsoft Yi Baiti
Microsoft Yi Baiti Bold
Microsoft Yi Baiti Bold Oblique
Microsoft Yi Baiti Oblique
MingLiU Bold
MingLiU Bold Oblique
MingLiU Oblique
MingLiU_HKSCS Bold
MingLiU_HKSCS Bold Oblique
MingLiU_HKSCS Oblique
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB Bold
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB Bold Oblique
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB Oblique
MingLiU-ExtB Bold
MingLiU-ExtB Bold Oblique
MingLiU-ExtB Oblique
Modern Bold
Modern Bold Oblique
Modern Oblique
Mongolian Baiti
Mongolian Baiti Bold
Mongolian Baiti Bold Oblique
Mongolian Baiti Oblique
MS Gothic
MS Gothic Bold
MS Gothic Bold Oblique
MS Gothic Oblique
MS PGothic
MS PGothic Bold
MS PGothic Bold Oblique
MS PGothic Oblique
MS Sans Serif
MS Sans Serif Bold
MS Sans Serif Bold Oblique
MS Sans Serif Oblique
MS Serif
MS Serif Bold
MS Serif Bold Oblique
MS Serif Oblique
MS UI Gothic
MS UI Gothic Bold
MS UI Gothic Bold Oblique
MS UI Gothic Oblique
MV Boli
MV Boli Bold
MV Boli Bold Oblique
MV Boli Oblique
Myanmar Text
Myanmar Text Bold
Myanmar Text Bold Oblique
Myanmar Text Oblique
Nirmala UI
Nirmala UI Bold
Nirmala UI Bold Oblique
Nirmala UI Semilight
Nirmala UI Semilight Oblique
Nirmala UI Oblique
NSimSun Bold
NSimSun Bold Oblique
NSimSun Oblique
OCR B MT Bold Oblique
OCR B MT Oblique
OCR-A II Bold Oblique
OCR-A II Oblique
Palatino Linotype
Palatino Linotype Bold
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic
Palatino Linotype Italic
PMingLiU Bold
PMingLiU Bold Oblique
PMingLiU Oblique
PMingLiU-ExtB Bold
PMingLiU-ExtB Bold Oblique
PMingLiU-ExtB Oblique
QuickType Bold
QuickType Bold Oblique
QuickType Condensed
QuickType Condensed Bold
QuickType Condensed Bold Oblique
QuickType Condensed Italic
QuickType Italic
QuickType II
QuickType II Bold
QuickType II Bold Oblique
QuickType II Condensed
QuickType II Condensed Bold
QuickType II Condensed Bold Oblique
QuickType II Condensed Italic
QuickType II Italic
QuickType II Mono
QuickType II Mono Bold
QuickType II Mono Bold Oblique
QuickType II Mono Oblique
QuickType II Pi
QuickType II Pi Bold
QuickType II Pi Bold Oblique
QuickType II Pi Oblique
QuickType Mono
QuickType Mono Bold
QuickType Mono Bold Oblique
QuickType Mono Oblique
QuickType Pi
QuickType Pi Bold
QuickType Pi Bold Oblique
QuickType Pi Oblique
Roman Bold
Roman Bold Oblique
Roman Oblique
Script Bold
Script Bold Oblique
Script Oblique
Segoe MDL2 Assets
Segoe MDL2 Assets Bold
Segoe MDL2 Assets Bold Oblique
Segoe MDL2 Assets Oblique
Segoe Print
Segoe Print Bold
Segoe Print Bold Oblique
Segoe Print Oblique
Segoe Script
Segoe Script Bold
Segoe Script Bold Oblique
Segoe Script Oblique
Segoe UI
Segoe UI Black
Segoe UI Black Italic
Segoe UI Bold
Segoe UI Bold Italic
Segoe UI Italic
Segoe UI Light
Segoe UI Light Italic
Segoe UI Semibold
Segoe UI Semibold Italic
Segoe UI Semilight
Segoe UI Semilight Italic
Segoe UI Emoji
Segoe UI Emoji Bold
Segoe UI Emoji Bold Oblique
Segoe UI Emoji Oblique
Segoe UI Historic
Segoe UI Historic Bold
Segoe UI Historic Bold Oblique
Segoe UI Historic Oblique
Segoe UI Symbol
Segoe UI Symbol Bold
Segoe UI Symbol Bold Oblique
Segoe UI Symbol Oblique
SimSun Bold
SimSun Bold Oblique
SimSun Oblique
SimSun-ExtB Bold
SimSun-ExtB Bold Oblique
SimSun-ExtB Oblique
Sitka Banner
Sitka Banner Bold
Sitka Banner Bold Italic
Sitka Banner Italic
Sitka Display
Sitka Display Bold
Sitka Display Bold Italic
Sitka Display Italic
Sitka Heading
Sitka Heading Bold
Sitka Heading Bold Italic
Sitka Heading Italic
Sitka Small
Sitka Small Bold
Sitka Small Bold Italic
Sitka Small Italic
Sitka Subheading
Sitka Subheading Bold
Sitka Subheading Bold Italic
Sitka Subheading Italic
Sitka Text
Sitka Text Bold
Sitka Text Bold Italic
Sitka Text Italic
Small Fonts
Small Fonts Bold
Small FontsBold Oblique
Small Fonts Oblique
Sylfaen Bold
Sylfaen Bold Oblique
Sylfaen Oblique
Symbol Bold
Symbol Bold Oblique
Symbol Oblique
System Bold
System Bold Oblique
Tahoma Bold
Tahoma Bold Oblique
Tahoma Oblique
Terminal Bold
Terminal Bold Oblique
Terminal Oblique
Times New Roman
Times New Roman Bold
Times New Roman Bold Italic
Times New Roman Italic
Trebuchet MS
Trebuchet MS Bold
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic
Trebuchet MS Italic
Verdana Bold
Verdana Bold Italic
Verdana Italic
Webdings Bold
Webdings Bold Oblique
Webdings Oblique
Wingdings Bold
Wingdings Bold Oblique
Wingdings Oblique
Yu Gothic
Yu Gothic Bold
Yu Gothic Bold Oblique
Yu Gothic Light
Yu Gothic Light Oblique
Yu Gothic Medium
Yu Gothic Medium Oblique
Yu Gothic Oblique
Yu Gothic UI
Yu Gothic UI Bold
Yu Gothic UI Bold Oblique
Yu Gothic UI Light
Yu Gothic UI Light Oblique
Yu Gothic UI Semibold
Yu Gothic UI Semibold Oblique
Yu Gothic UI Semilight
Yu Gothic UI Semilight Oblique
Yu Gothic UI Oblique

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How to modify your Fonts on different Forms in Reckon Accounts Hosted

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