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Paging - Reckon One API v2

All of the Reckon One API v2 endpoints that return a list of results support paging. Paging is applied after both filtering and sorting.

Paging is added to the endpoint URL as two query string parameters:


The above example will return page 5, with 10 items on the page (so items 51 to 60).

The default value for page is 1 and the default value for perpage is 10.

The response also includes metadata relating to the results in a couple of HTTP headers:

  • The Link header provides URLs for the first, last, previous and next pages of results (where these pages exist). Each URL is separated by a comma.
  • The X-Total-Count header provides the total number of results found by the request.

Here is an example of the Link header:

<>; rel="first"

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Filtering - Reckon One API v2

Sorting - Reckon One API v2

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