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Effects of changing the employee number


The ATO uses the employee's employee number in payroll software as the unique identifier for each employee of your business. If you change the employee number of an employee after submitting a pay event, the ATO will duplicate the employee's record when you lodge a future pay event. This will have an impact on the employees YTD totals for the financial year.

Changing an employee number

We strongly recommend that you do not change an Employee number unless:

  1. You have not lodged STP for this employee, or
  2. You have finalised the last financial year and are yet to lodge the first pay in the new financial year.

If you need to change the employee number during a financial year, you will have to submit a Nil STP submission to the ATO to zero out the YTD totals of the old employee number before you change the employee number. Instructions to submit a Nil STP submissions are below:

  1. Reckon One
  2. Reckon Accounts (Desktop and Hosted)
  3. Payroll Premier

Reckon One
  1. Expand Payroll from the left navigation > Employees
  2. Find the employee from the list and open the record.
  3. Go to the Employment tab.
  4. Add the employee number in the Employee number field.

Reckon Accounts (Desktop & Hosted)
  1. Go to the Employee Centre.
  2. Find the employee and double click on the record to open it.
  3. Go to the Employment Info tab.
  4. Add the employee number in the Emp. No. field.

Payroll Premier
Employee number is automatically assigned to an employee's record when you create an employee in Payroll Premier. You cannot change this number.

To find the employee number of an employee:

  1. Go to the list of Employees.
  2. Find the employee record and double click on it to open the record.
  3. Under the Company tab, you will find the Employee No. field that contains the employee number.

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