Unable to remove a column from the Leave Accrual Summary Report

Legacy KB ID: 5094


Why don’t I have the option to remove columns from the Leave Accrual Summary Report?  I can remove columns in the Leave Accrual Detail Report.



Resize the column to zero to remove it and then Memorize the report.


The Issue

Summary reports of any nature in Accounts Business are special reports constructed to show specific information that usually requires some additional calculation.  For this reason they are not opened to manipulation by the user.

You can remove a column from the displayed report by “resizing” the column to zero width.  Once you have removed a column you do not have a means of restoring it.  You will need to regenerate the report.

By memorizing the report you will be able to refer back to your modified Summary report. 



To “resize the column to zero”:

1.    Place your cursor on the diamond symbol on the right of the column name;

2.    Left click, hold and drag it to over the diamond to the left of the column name;

3.    Let go of the mouse and the column is removed.


To Memorise a report:

1.    Click on the Memorise button at the top of the screen;

2.    Give the report a name

3.    In you wish assign it to a memorised Report Group;

4.    Click OK.


For faster retrieval of this report, create an Icon for it:

1.    With the modified report open, click on View > Add “your favourite screen name” to Icon Bar;

2.    choose an icon from the left hand box;

3.    in the label box type in a name for the icon;

4.    your icon will appear in the Icon Menu area at the top of the screen



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Ask the Reckon Community at: https://community.reckon.com/reckon.


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