Reckon Accounts Business has Performance issues in Virtual Machines Specially on MS Azure.

Legacy KB ID: 5586


RA is running slow when I have it installed on a Virtual Machine (VM) in the cloud such as Microsoft Azure, or other Virtual Desktops. I have VM setup in Azure and my files are hosted in the cloud and have performance issues. What can I do to boost the performance?


There could be various factors playing a crucial role in this such as Network, Permissions, Firewall etc. However, in this article, we will focus on the File storage aspects of the VM.

Reckon Accounts needs ‘Reckon Database Server Manager’ (DBSM) services to host the data file so that it can be accessed in multi-user mode across the network. However, one of the limitations of DBSM is that it can only access the Reckon Accounts data file that is stored locally on the local hard drive, where the DBSM is also installed. In other words, it is unable to access the network drives for the RA data (QBW) files.

Azure allows you to store the data file in the cloud as BLOB storage or to the hard disk physically connected to the machine in the cloud as VHD data disk .

Hence, if you have setup the BLOB storage in your VM infrastructure, it is unlikely (even when mapped) to be seen as a local drive. This could be confusing the Database Manager Service, and it's forcing the application into what is known as Alternate file sharing by which one of the machines becomes the host (and that’s where you get the situation where the user needs to be logged in as Admin for the others to access the file). In this situation, there could be multiple PCs acting as a host or trying to act as a host, which will then reduce the performance through the environment.

If you are using blob storage, the suggestion is to try the VHD Data Disk connected to the machine itself and host the file there. That will then be seen as a regular windows drive and thus the DB service will know how to handle it.

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