Can't Backup RA Personal File, CD backup error, The CD drive contains a non-writable CD

Legacy KB ID: 2686


Why when I try to backup my RA Personal file directly to a CD, I get an error message "drive contains a non-writable CD" or "CD backup error"?


Most of the errors one encounters when using third-party software to back up a RA Personal data file to a CD are caused by unmet CD formatting requirements. If you are unable to resolve the CD formatting issues, your best bet is to back up your RA Personal data file in a way that bypasses these CD formatting requirements.

1. On your hard disk, select My Documents.

2. Choose File menu > New > Folder to create a folder to which you can back up your RA Personal data file, and name it something such as RA Personal Backup Data.

3. Launch RA Personal.

4. If it is not already open, open the data file you want to back up.

5. Choose File menu > Backup.

6. Select On my computer.

7. In the Select the disk drive and path to the backup folder field, click Browse, and navigate to    the folder you created in step 2.

8. Click OK to start the backup.

9. Click OK when RA Personal tells you that the backup is complete.

10. Copy the RA Personal data file from the RA Personal Backup Data folder to your CD burner using the same procedure you use to copy other files to CD. For more information, refer to the manufacturer's instructions for your computer.

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