State Payroll Tax Detail Report shows Customer Name and not Employee Name

Legacy KB ID: 5031


Why does the State Payroll Tax Detail Report show a Customer Name and not the employee Name?


Add in the Source Name column to the report to see the employee Name


The Issue

You will see a Customer Name in the Name column of the State Payroll Tax Detail Report when your payroll items are attached to a Customer:Job.  The Customer:Job name will be listed into the Name field of the report.  Where no Customer:Job is attached to the payroll item, the Name field will show the Employee Name.

The Source Name field, not listed on the default report, will continue to show the Employee Name.  The State Payroll Tax Detail Report however does not allow you to modify the columns on display.

You can add another column if you set your preferences to prompt you to modify report options



1.    Close reports

2.    Edit > Preferences > Reports & Graphs > My Preferences;

3.    Tick the box Prompt me to modify report options before opening a report;

4.    Click OK to Save. 

When you launch the State Payroll Tax Detail Report you will be prompted for report options:

5.    In the Columns box, tick Source Name;

6.    Click OK to complete.

Your report will open with the additional field: Source Name.


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