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Contacts centre

Contacts centre

Contacts centre is where you keep tracks of customers, suppliers, superfunds, contacts and employees in the book. It is like an address book where you record details of businesses or people who you trade with.

Expand the Contacts centre from the side navigator menu to view the various contact lists.


A customer purchases and pays for goods or services from you. A customer can be a person or a business. Some examples of customers are patients, donors, members, clients or retail customers. Customers are used on money-in type transactions such as Receipts, Invoices, Customer Adjustment Notes (refunds) and Estimates.

To view or create new customers, expand the Contacts Centre from the side navigation menu and select Customers.

The Customers list can be filtered by status - Active, Inactive or All.

Active status refers to customers whom you trade with. You can only create transactions with active customers.

Inactive status refers to customers whom you no longer trade with but have conducted business transactions in the past. Inactive customers cannot be used on new transactions such as receipts, invoices, estimates, journals, and customer adjustment notes.

All status will show all active and inactive customers in the book.

Selecting the customer checkbox on the list will reveal more options on the footer.
You can customise the list view by clicking on the spanner icon next to the Add button to show or hide columns from view.


A supplier is an entity that supplies goods and services to your business. A supplier can be a person or a business. Some examples of suppliers are manufacturers, wholesalers, utility companies or tax offices. Suppliers are used on money-out type transactions such as Bills, Payments and Supplier Adjustment Notes (credits).

To view or create new Suppliers, expand Contacts Centre from the side navigation menu and select Suppliers.

The Suppliers list can be filtered by status - Active, Inactive or All.

Active status refers to suppliers whom you trade with. You can only create transactions with active status suppliers.

Inactive status refers to suppliers whom you no longer trade with but have conducted business transactions in the past. Inactive suppliers cannot be used on new transactions such as bills, payments or supplier adjustment notes (credits).

All status will show all active and inactive suppliers in the book.

Selecting the suppliers checkbox on the list will reveal more options on the footer.

You can customise the list view by clicking on the spanner icon next to the Add button to show or hide columns from view.

Adding a new customer or supplier

Customers `Create and edit` permissions are required to add new or edit existing customers. Suppliers `Create and edit` permissions are required for Suppliers.
  1. Click Add on the Customers list.
  2. The Add customer screen will load.
    Type: Choose whether this record is a Customer, Supplier or both. You can use the organisation on money-in and money-out type transactions if the customer and supplier checkboxes are selected.
    Display name: Enter a display name used to identify the entity.
    Type and Display name are mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk *. Both fields must be filled before you can save the record.
    Customer/Supplier name: Enter the organisation name. This could be the company's trading name.
    If the entity is an individual and does not belong to an organisation, you can either leave the Customer/supplier name field blank or enter the same display name.
    ABN: Enter the organisation's Australia Business Number (ABN).
    Branch: Enter the branch name for the organisation.
    Status: Active or Inactive toggle.
    Notes: Text field to allow you to enter notes about this record.
    Email: This is the primary email address used to send transactions from Reckon One.
    Web: Enter the organisation's website URL.
    You can click on the envelope icon to start a new email using your default email client application or browser. The email address will automatically be copied into the To field on the new email message.
    You can click on the Web icon to navigate to the website on a new browser tab.
    Mobile: Enter the mobile number.
    Phone: Enter a land line phone number. The phone number is spilt into country code, area code and extension fields.
    If you have a phone application on the device, you can click on the icon to bring up the phone app with the number copied to it.
    Business Address: Enter the business address. This can be the office address.
    Postal Address: Enter the Postal address. This can be the PO box address.
    Shipping Address: Enter the ship to address.
    The Shipping address is the Ship to address used on PDF copies of invoices etc.
  3. After you have entered the customer/supplier details, click on the Save button to save the record.
  4. To edit or delete a customer or supplier, click on the organisation in the relevant list in the Contacts centre, then revise, make inactive or delete as required.
    Customers, suppliers, superfunds and employees cannot be deleted if they are used on any transactions. You can set them as inactive so they do not appear on the list when you create new transactions.

To learn more about contact detail types, see this help article.

Linking a contact to a customer, supplier or superfund 

You can view the list of contacts linked to an organisation or add new contacts from the respective detail view. Expand the Contacts accordion at the bottom of the screen. You can either add existing contact or add a new contact.

Existing contacts shows contact records without a linked organisation.

To learn more about adding a new Contact, please refer to this help article.

Additional Customer details

You will find the Customer tab on the customer type entity when the Invoice module is active on your book.

You can select the customer default payment term to use when creating an invoice. You can select to use the book default or use your custom payment terms.

You can also set a credit limit for the customer. A warning message will appear when an invoice exceeds the set credit limit.

Additional Supplier details

You can set the supplier financial institution details on the Bank details. These details are used when you create an ABA payment file to submit to your bank.


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