The error message is C=342, L=6500, module =ELCACCN. While attempting to edit the chart of accounts item.

Legacy KB ID: 2089


I received the error message is C=342, L=6500, module =ELCACCN while attempting to edit the chart of accounts item.


This is due to damaged account list item entry.

Follow the steps mentioned below -

1) Open the Chart of the accounts

2) Click on the Activities button and select Re-sort List.

3) Once finished, click on the Windows menu and select "Close All".

4) Click on the File menu, select "Utilities" then select "Rebuild" The program will go though the backup procedure for your datafile then proceed to rebuild the file.

It is best you leave the computer to finish this and not use any other programs which could interfere. Once finished, the data file will be fine.

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