QBWIN.LOG Error: Verify Target: Values in minor do not match major

Legacy KB ID: 3867


Why does the Qbwin.log file contains the following message:  “Verify Target: Values in minor do not match major. Rcrd = #. Type: paycheque txn #; ##### date: ##/##/#### doc #:  ## Distrib accnt: Uncategorized Expenses $: ##.##”?  What do I do about it?


If you see this message while reviewing the Qbwin.log, the file is damaged. The Rebuild Data utility does not fix this type of error. The paycheque specified in the Qbwin.log text is damaged, and a dollar amount is not associated with any payroll item.



Force QuickBooks to save the paycheque again by editing the paycheque without changing the amounts, and then saving the paycheque.


Before proceeding, backup your company file or copy the company file to another location through Windows Explorer.


  1. Open the file > select Employees Centre > highlight the employee > double left-click on the pay referenced in the QBwin.log file
  2. Click on the Paycheque Detail button to open the Review Paycheque window.
  3. Record the pay details:
    1. Take a screen shot and save to a Word or Picture file; or
    2. write down the information; or
    3. Print the payslip. 
  4. Add either a zero Earnings item or a zero addition item to the Other Payroll Items window.  Verify that no amounts recalculated in the process, especially the net amount of the paycheque.
  5. Save the paycheque.
  6. Close and reopen QuickBooks, and then run the Verify utility. Paycheques should no longer cause the Verify process to fail.


How did we do?

QBwin.log error:

QBWin.log error: LVL_ERROR--Returning NULL QBWinInstance Handle

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