Winmail.dat rather than invoice or statement attachment is received by some email recipients.

Legacy KB ID: 2055


How do I Prevent the Winmail.dat File from being sent to my email recipients when sending them an email from QuickBooks?


This is not a Reckon Accounts issue in any way and therefore is not supported by our technical support department.  It is a known documented problem that occurs on the recipient's side. We offer the following comments in response to our users reporting this issue.

Please note: These comments require advanced knowledge of the Microsoft Operating System and may require the assistance of your IT Support Professional.

These notes are for older versions of Outlook.  A more up-to-date view on this issue is available at: .


If you are sending mail from Microsoft Office and Receiving with Outlook Express do either of the following:


Turn on Rich Text sending for all messages sent with Microsoft Outlook:

·         In Outlook click on 'Tools' -> 'Options' and then click the 'Mail Format' tab.

·         In the 'Send in this Message Format' list, select 'Microsoft Outlook Rich Text', and then click 'OK'.


Set RTF for a single entry in a Contacts folder:

·         Open the Contact item for the person, double-click each underlined E-mail address.

·         Microsoft Office 2000 - Check the box for Always send to this recipient in Microsoft Outlook rich-text format, and then click OK.

·         Microsoft Office 2003 - Click the dropdown box in Internet format and select 'Send using Outlook Rich Text Format'

·         Close and save the item.


Set RTF for a one-off address:

·         Before sending the message, click the Check Names button (Tools > Check Names) or Press Ctrl+K.

·         Double-click each underlined address to display its properties.

·         Check the box for Always send to this recipient in Microsoft Outlook rich-text format, and then click OK.


If your attachment is being converted to a file called 'winmail.dat' you can use a 3rd party program to view the attachment:

·         Save the winmail.dat to your desktop.

·         You will need to obtain a third party application such as 'WMDecode' to open and view your attachments within the winmail.dat file that was created.


For more information on this issue, please refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Browser using the link below:

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