Windows inside in Reckon Accounts cannot open correctly or crashes the program


When I try to open customer center, employee center, or supplier center in Reckon Accounts, I cannot open it correctly, or it crash the software.


1. Go to menu drop down, Window > Close All (to close all open background windows)

2. Go to the menu drop down, View > One Window (if already on One Window, try View > Multiple Windows to change/refresh the "View" settings he had already set). 

3. Then try to open the Employee Center again. 

If you cannot open the item list or another type of list, try right click the View > Customize Columns > click Default > OK.  This sets the list columns back to default and should let that list open like normal.

If the issue still exists, please go to control panel > Programs and Features and right click Reckon accounts chose to uninstall/change and chose to repair the installation.

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