How to enable/process Taxable Payments Annual Reports (TPAR) in Reckon One.

Legacy KB ID: 5716


How to enable/process Taxable Payments Annual Reports (TPAR) in Reckon One.


If you are in the business of Building and Construction industry and make payments to the contractors or suppliers for their service, you are required to submit the TPAR to the ATO.

From Reckon One, you can easily create the TPAR reports and submit to the ATO via their online services. TPAR reports all the payments made to your contractors for the services they have provided. Please refer to ATO publications for more information about TPAR here.

Below are the detailed instructions on how you can create and submit the TPAR to ATO.


Step 1: Enable all those suppliers for TPAR, who are eligible to be reported in TPAR, and enter their Address details.

a) Go to Contacts and Suppliers

b) Select and open the Supplier.

c) Go to Subject to TPAR field and tick it to enable it.

d) Scroll down to the address fields and enter the detailed address details

e) Repeat the process for all other eligible suppliers.

Step 2: Enter the complete address details of your company, within Book Settings. (If not done already)

a) Go to Administration menu on your book and Settings (top right corner Cogwheel icon)

b) Go to Book Settings.

c) Enter the address details of your company under General Details tab.

Exporting the report:

Step 3: Export the report from Tax > TPAR

a) Go to Tax and select TPAR, from the left panel.

b) Select Add button to create a new report.

c) Select the reporting period/year and Save.

d) This will create the report in the list.

e) Select to open and review it. Once satisfied, select Generate file to export the report.

f) Select the option to save the file. The file will automatically be downloaded to your default download location with the file name ‘TPAR.C01’

g) You can now log in to the ATO online services and submit it.

h) Once Submitted, select 'Mark as lodged' button to manually mark this report as lodged to ATO.

Note: the due date to submit your TPAR according to ATO is 28 August each year.

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