How to enable Estimates or Quotes feature in my Book?

Legacy KB ID: 5720


How do I create or enable the Estimate or Quotes feature in my book? I have purchased the invoice module.

Applies to:

Reckon One Book with any invoicing module.


Enable the Estimates via settings.

Detailed steps.

Although the invoicing module comes with the Estimates feature, it is not enabled by default.

You will have to enable it via Settings.

1)   Go to Administration menu on top right corner and select Settings.

2)   Go to Day to day and select Money in.

3)   Scroll to Estimates under  Money In Tab, and expand it.

4)   Select Enabled radio button to enable the estimates. Save it.

Enter any necessary details as you need. This could be expiry, terms and conditions and payment notes.

The Estimate feature is now enabled, and you can create one from Day to day > Estimates.

How did we do?

Latest Bankdata transactions not available in Reckon One Book.

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