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Reckon One: Contacts


A Contact is a person, department or role that can be linked to a customer, supplier and superfund record so you can keep track of the various people you deal with within their organisation.

Customers, suppliers and superfunds can have multiple contacts linked to them. When sending an email from the book, you can select email addresses from multiple contacts.

Contacts list

Contacts list stores all the contacts created in the book. To access the Contacts list, expand the Contacts centre from the side navigator menu then click on Contacts.

The Contacts list can be filtered by status - Active, Inactive or All.

Active status refers to contacts who you wish to send emails to from Reckon One. You can only send emails to active contacts.

Inactive status refers to contacts who you no longer send emails to but want to keep a record of in your book.

All status will show all active and inactive contacts in the book.

Selecting the contacts checkbox on the list will reveal more options on the footer.

You can customise the list view by clicking on the spanner icon next to the Add button to show or hide columns from view.

Adding a new contact

Contacts `Create and edit` permissions are required to add new or edit existing contacts.

  1. Click Add on the Contacts list.

The Add contact screen will load.

Contact name: Enter a contact name for this record.

Contact name can be a person or a department of an organisation. This is a mandatory field.

Salutation: Salutation (i.e. Mr, Mrs, Dear)

Notes: Text field to allow you to enter notes about this contact.

Status: Active or Inactive toggle.

Organisation: List menu to display all active customers, suppliers and superfunds.

A contact can be link to 1 organisation (customer, supplier or superfund). An organisation can have multiple contacts.

Department: Organisation department where the contact works. (eg. Sales, Account payable, HR, call centre, warehouse)

Position: Contact role in the organisation (eg. regional sales manager, receptionist, Account manager)

Email: This is the primary email address used to send transactions from Reckon One.

You can click on the envelope icon to start a new email in your default email client application or browser. The email address will automatically be copied into the To field in the new email message.
If you have added a website, you can click on the Web icon to navigate to the website on a new browser tab.

Mobile: Enter the mobile number.

If you have a phone application on the device, you can click on the icon to bring up the phone app with the number copied to it.

Business Address: Enter the contact address. This can be the office address where the contact works from.

Shipping Address: Enter the shipping address.

  1. After you have entered the contact's details, click Save.

To learn more about contact detail types, see this help article.

Adding contacts to emails

With Contacts, you can now include their email addresses when sending emails from Reckon One. All contacts linked to a customer, supplier or superfund appear on the list before emailing. Select the contact email addresses who you wish to send the email to from the list.

The contact must be linked to the customer, supplier or superfund before you can send an email from Reckon One.

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