Table of Contents

STP Phase 2 changes in Reckon GovConnect

After updating your Employees and Payroll Items to be STP Phase 2 compliant – either manually or with the use of the Migration Assistant, you are now ready to process your pays and lodge your very first STP Phase 2 via Reckon GovConnect.

Employee earnings will now be disaggregated when reported with the ATO.

Nothing has changed in the process of exporting the STP lodgement file (JSON) in Reckon Accounts and lodgement in Reckon GovConnect.

STP Phase 2 fields


  1. Login to
  2. Select Reckon GovConnect and Open the Company Book

  1. Select the product used to export the STP Lodgement i.e. Reckon Accounts Desktop or Hosted
  2. A new column is added to indicate if the STP Lodgement file is from STP Phase 1 or Phase 2
  3. Click on Upload

  1. Select the Report Type i.e. New Pay Run / Full File Replacement
  2. Click on Confirm
  3. Select the STP Lodgement file and Open

Pay Run Detail

Click on Detail to see the breakdown of the pay run event for each Employee.

It also has the STP File Format Version on the heading.

The new columns are:

  1. Leave
  2. Overtime
  3. Bonuses & Commissions
  4. Directors Fees
  5. Salary Sacrifice
  6. Lump Sum

Employee Detail

Employee Information

From the Pay run detail, click on Detail again to view the Employee specific details

The new header fields are:

  1. Employment number
  2. Start Date
  3. Tax Treatment Code
  4. Employment Type

Income Type details

Then, a breakdown of earnings per Income Type. Within each Income Type, it will display the following:

  1. Payment Types – based on Tax Tracking Type
  2. Amount
  3. Type – description or Payment Type codes



Gross Payments

INB Gross




  1. Leave – Cash out of leave (C)
  2. Leave – Unused Leave on Termination (U)
  3. Leave – Paid Parental (P)
  4. Leave – Workers Compensation (W)
  5. Leave – Ancillary and Defence Leave (A)
  6. Leave – Other Paid Leave (O)

  1. C
  2. U
  3. P
  4. W
  5. A
  6. O




  1. Allowance – Award Transport Payments
  2. Allowance – Cents per Kilometre
  3. Allowance – Qualifications/Certificates
  4. Allowance – Domestic or Overseas Travel and Accommodation
  5. Allowance – Laundry
  6. Allowance – Other
    1. Transport/Fares
    2. General
    3. Home Office
    4. Non-deductible
    5. Private Vehicle
    6. Uniform
  7. Allowance – Overtime Meal Allowances
  8. Allowance – Tasks
  9. Allowance – Tool Allowances

  1. AD
  2. CD
  3. QN
  4. RD
  5. LD
  6. OD
    1. T1
    2. G1
    3. H1
    4. ND
    5. V1
    6. U1
  7. MD
  8. KN
  9. TD

Bonus & Commissions

Bonuses & Commissions

Directors' Fees

Directors Fees

Salary Sacrifice

  1. Super to a complying fund or Retirement Savings Account (RSA)
  2. Other Employee Benefits
When reporting Salary Sacrifice amounts, instead of reducing the Gross payments, it is linked to the new Salary Sacrifice (Type Code S) tax tracking type. Then, the full gross amount is reported with the Salary Sacrifice separated out and as a positive amount.

  1. S
  2. O

Lump Sum

  1. Lump Sum A [R] / [T]
  2. Lump Sum B
  3. Lump Sum D
  4. Lump Sum E
  5. Lump Sum W

  1. R / T
  2. B
  3. D
  4. E
  5. W


Employees to be released/terminated in Reckon Accounts to display the ETP Payments in GovConnect.
  1. Genuine Redundancy (R)
    1. Taxable: Post June 1983 Untaxed Element and/or Low Rate Threshold
    2. Tax Free: Pre July 1983 Component and/or Post June 1994 Invalidity
  2. Other termination pay (O)
    1. Taxable: Post June 1983 Untaxed Element and/or Low Rate Threshold
    2. Tax Free: Pre July 1983 Component

R / O


  1. Deductions (Union Fees)
  2. Workplace Giving

  1. F
  2. W

Other Payments

And finally, a breakdown of Other Payments type not relating to Income Type displaying the following:

  1. Payment Types – based on Tax Tracking Type
  2. Amount
  3. Type – description or Payment Type codes




  1. Deductions (Union Fees)
  2. Workplace Giving

  1. F
  2. W


  1. Super Guarantee Act (SGA)
  2. RESC

  1. L
  2. R

Reportable Fringe Benefits

  1. Taxed
  2. Tax Exempt

  1. T
  2. X

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