Two ABN's appearing on Invoice printout and overlaps the BILL TO heading

Legacy KB ID: 2932


When i print an invoice, it shows two ABN numbers being printed and one of the ABNs are printing over the heading of the BILL TO field.


1) GOTO FILE>PRINTER SETUP> FOR PRINTING INVOICES. It will come up with a new window.  Select COMPANY FONT. Change the font to a smaller font. (this will reduce the font size displayed on the Company address on the invoice print out and allow more data to be placed so that it does not overlap the BILL TO heading)

2) Edit the invoice, to edit: Go into an invoice on the Layout section, pull that menu down and choose EDIT. EDIT the particular layout you wish. It will come up with a window called "Edit Layout". On the Company Address make sure that you dont have another line called "ABN: XXX XXX XXX" (This is basically from the previous version, where you could not place an ABN so you manually placed it on the Company Address Field). Delete the ABN Field in the Company Address.

3) Bring up the Invoice Register and then click on the Overview Tab at the bottom of the window. You will then see the ABN and Branch field. Fill these in.

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