Last pay not accepted in SuperLink upload

Legacy KB ID: 4393


Why does SuperLink not accept the last pay in my monthly and quarterly upload?


SuperLink will not accept a pay for processing if the Pay Date is after the cut-off date.

Cut-off dates are the end of the month and the end of the quarter.

The 10th of the month requirement is for pays with a pay date before the cut-off date to be uploaded to SuperLink to be included in the next sweep (around the 20th of the month). 



No action required.  The pay will be included in the next upload.


If you require a pay dated between the 1st and the 10th of the month to be included in that month’s sweep, you will need to change the date of the pays to no later than the end of the previous month.  

Care:  Reinputting pays for different dates may have adverse impact on your Bank Reconciliation and official reporting requirements.  Refer to your Accountant for the best procedures to follow to ensure your Bank Account transactions are reflected properly in your Reckon accounts and your reporting requirements are not compromised.   

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