Sending invoice - Reckon Invoices App

There are more than 1 method to send the invoice to your customer from Reckon Invoices app. There is the traditional send invoice from Reckon One method and sharing with other installed apps via the mobile device.

Send invoice using Reckon One

  1. Open the invoice from the Invoices list then tap Send invoice button.
    Send invoice button
    If you have invoice approval process enabled on your book, you can only send approved status invoices.
  2. The Send email screen will appear.
    Send invoice form
    1. Tap View invoice PDF to preview the PDF that customer will receive.
    2. Select the Customer and their contacts who you like to send the invoice to. You can also add a new contact so they can receive the invoice. New contacts added will automatically be linked to the customer.
    3. Tap Send a copy to myself toggle if you want to be send an email copy of the invoice.
    4. Tap Edit to edit the email subject and message.
  3. Tap Done when you are ready to send the email. A dialogue box will appear when the email is sent. Tap Ok to return to the invoice.
    Email sent

Sharing the invoice from your mobile device

You can share the invoice PDF to other installed apps in your mobile device. This is handy if you prefer to share the PDF from your email or via text message. For this help article, we are using iPhone for demonstration purpose. Sharing on Android device works in similar way.

  1. To share the invoice, tap on the Share link on the invoice. The share sheet will appear.
    IOS Share sheet
  2. Swipe left on the listed apps to locate the app you want to share the invoice on. For demo purposes, we will select Mail.
    The invoice PDF will automatically be attached on the new email. Enter the recipient email address, subject and email message then send the email!
    If the app isn't listed on share sheet, you can copy the invoice PDF and paste it into the app later.

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Approving an invoice - Reckon Invoices App

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