Error (-6147,0) when opening or creating a datafile in Reckon Accounts Hosted

Legacy KB ID: 3569


Why do I get a (-6147,0) error when I try to open an existing datafile or create a new datafile on Reckon Accounts Hosted?


This error will be encountered if the computer file name is shorter than 9 characters. 



Rename the computer file name to one with more than 9 characters.


To rename an existing company file in Reckon Accounts Hosted

From the No Company Open Screen, select File > Open or Restore a Company file > Open a Company File (.QBW or .QBA) > Next; 

In the Open a Company File window, select Q:\ drive or the folder that contains the datafile;

Highlight the company file and click on F2 on your keyboard to activate the Windows Rename function;

Type in the new name with at least 9 characters; ensure that if .QBW is seen it remains at the end of your new name;

Click Enter on the keyboard.

Your file has now been renamed. 

Select the file to open it.   


In your Reckon file

In Company > Company Information > ensure that the Company name is more than 9 characters.


It is best that the computer file name and the Company Name in Reckon Accounts Hosted is also less than 28 characters and uses only alphanumeric characters. 


Creating a new datafile

Choose names of at least 9 characters. 

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