Partial or mixed payments with EFT and a Cashout results in an incorrect balance owing.

Legacy KB ID: 4171


When I accept payment for a transaction with more than one type of payment, and one of the payment is an EFT with a Cashout, why does the balance report incorrectly?


If you are processing a transaction with different forms of payment, and one of those forms is an EFT with a Cashout, then if the EFT is not the last form processed, POS will incorrectly report the balance.  The balance will be reduced by the amount of the Cashout.


If you are taking a partial payment for the sale using EFT and allowing a Cashout, the POS will report the balance incorrectly, with the Cashout amount reducing the balance. 



1.    When accepting more than one form of payment (EFT and Credit Card), process the EFT and Cashout last.

2.    When accepting a partial payment for a sale, set the customer up as a Credit Account and receive the EFT payment as an Account Payment.  You can include a Cashout successfully.


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