POSTerminal(s) not appearing in the POS Administrator

Legacy KB ID: 3493


Why can I see any POS Terminal(s) in my POS Administrator?


You may experience this issue if the Terminal and Administrator are configured to work with different database files (QBPOS.PDB).



Set Terminal and Administrator to work from the same QBPOS.PDB file.

1) Close the POS Admin & Terminal

2) Identify the database files. 


POS 2010/11 and later:

                 i.       In Windows Explorer go to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reckon\PointOfSale\;

                ii.       Right click on PointofSale.ini, Select Copy, right click on the white background and click on Paste to create a copy of this file – it will be called Copy of PointofSale.ini;

               iii.       Right click on PointofSale.ini, click on Open With and select Notepad;

              iv.       In the [AdminDatabase] section the second line DatabasePath= contains the location of the QBPOS.PDB being used by the Administrator;

               v.       In the [TerminalDatabase] section the second line DatabasePath= contains the location of the QBPOS.PDB being used by the Terminal;

              vi.       The file path in iii and iv should be the same.  If they are not, then the Administrator is not accessing the same QBPOS.PDB as the Terminal.

             vii.       Change the incorrect path (usually the Administrator) to the correct path.  You can highlight the correct path, Ctrl+C, and paste to the location with Ctrl+P.

            viii.       Exit and Save the file.

              ix.       Open POS Terminal and POS Administrator and check that Terminals appear in the Licenses area of POS Administrator.


POS 2009/10 and earlier:

Care:  This step requires you to enter the Windows Registry.  Changes to the Registry affect the behaviour of your computer.  Incorrect changes may prevent your computer from running properly.  If you are not confident in making changes to your Registry please consult your IT professional.

To carry out these steps you must be on the PC for the Administrator and the Terminal.

i.              Create a backup of your Registry:

1.    Open the Registry Editor:

a.    Windows 7 & Vista: Start button > type regedit into the search box > Enter;

b.    Windows XP: Start button > Run > type regedt32 > Enter;

2.    If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

3.    On the top menu line, click on File >Export

4.    Select a location to save the file and in the File Name box enter a name;

5.    In the Export Range section, click on All;

6.    Click Save.

        ii.    go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\

1.    for Administrator: Quickbooks Point of Sale Administrator\ Database;

2.    for Terminal:  Quickbooks Point of Sale\Database

       iii.    on right side of the screen double click on DatabasePath to retrieve the path.

       iv.    Copy both of these paths into Wordpad for reference only - making note of which is the Admin database and Terminal database

        v.    Determine which QBPOS.PDB file is the correct one (usually it's the file associated with the Terminal).

       vi.    Delete the INCORRECT path:

1.    double click on DatabasePath that is not needed (still in the Registry Editor);

2.    delete the path, click ok and close the Registry editor (may need to restart if the O/S is not Windows XP to take effect);

      vii.    Open the Admin or Terminal (whichever contained the incorrect path that has been deleted);

     viii.     Follow the wizard to link it to the correct PDB file (ie; the path which was NOT deleted).

       ix.    Open POS Terminal and POS Administrator and check that Terminals appear in the Licenses area of POS Administrator.



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