Reckon Accounts Desktop: File from QuickBooks 2007/08 Failing To Upgrade to Reckon Accounts 2023

File from QuickBooks 2007/08 Failing To Upgrade to Reckon Accounts 2023

When attempting to upgrade an older file that is from a version of QuickBooks 2007/08 of earlier, you may encounter a crash even though that file may have been confirmed as error-free using the built-in Verify Data function of the QuickBooks 2007/08 software.

The workaround that has been found to be successful is to perform the upgrade process in the following sequence.

1) In the older QuickBooks 2007/08 software, open the company data file and create a backup file (QBB)

Once the backup has been created, you can take a copy of the resulting QBB file to the computer that has the Reckon Accounts 2021 or higher software installed

2) Open the Reckon Accounts 2023 software

3) Click on the Open a sample file button

4) Now click on the File menu and select the Open or Restore Company action

5) Choose the Restore a backup copy (QBB) option and click the Next button

6) Follow the rest of the dialog windows to locate the correct backup file that you want to restore and upgrade to the newer software version.

This process should successfully result in the file upgrading.

If you encounter any errors or crashing at this point, please contact the Technical Support Team who can provide additional troubleshooting or escalate a case to the Data Recovery Team for further analysis, repair and upgrade services. (fees apply).

Failing this, you may need to reach out to Reckon Data Recovery for Damaged Data File Recovery.

You can contact Data Recovery here:

Need more help? Reach out to us on the Reckon Community:

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