Super By Fund Name Report in Payroll Premier does not show all pays.

Legacy KB ID: 4209


Why does the Super By Fund Name report not show all the pays, although each pay has a Superannuation contribution amount and they show in the Super By Employee report?


You may encounter this issue after a new employee has been added, and the Super Fund details in the employee's record and any processed pays show incorrectly. 

In some instances we have found that in the Super Funds list (Lists > Super Funds), the super fund could be in lower case letters whereas in the employee's record and pays they are in capitals, or vice versa.

For the Super By Fund Name report to display correctly the Super Fund list; employee's record and processed pays must show the exact same Super Fund name, this is case sensitive.


1.    Go to the list of employees

2.    Double click on the employee's record and select the Super tab. Click on the Fund Name field and re-select the correct Super Fund from the list. If the list does not automatically appear, click on the drop down arrow present in the field. Click OK to save. This will ensure that all new pays will appear in the Super By Fund Name report

3.    Edit each pay which is missing in the Super By Fund Name report:-

a.    Highlight the employee in the employee list

b.    Click on the Activities button at the bottom of the list and then Show Employee Pays

c.    Double click on a pay that is missing from the report

d.    Tick the Edit this Pay box on the right hand side of the window

e.    Go to the Super tab

f.     Click on the Fund Name field and re-select the correct Super fund from the list

g.    Change the amount field if required as this may have changed, i.e. 9 for the Statutory Super 9%

h.    Repeat steps f to h for all lines in the Super tab

i.      Click OK to save

j.     Repeat these steps for all missing pay

4.    Repeat the above steps for all employees which have pays missing in the Super By Fund Name report

5.    Open the Super By Fund Name report and all the pays should now show


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