Use tax table for daily and casual workers

The Reckon Payroll app can calculate tax withheld for casual and part-time workers using the ATO's Tax table for daily and casual workers (NAT-1024). For further information on when this tax table should be used please refer to the ATO Tax table for daily and casual workers website.

PAYG withholding for casual and daily workers

To use the ATO's Tax table for daily and casual workers (NAT-1024) you need to enter a start and finish date for the period the employee worked.

To enter a period for casual and daily workers:

  1. Create a pay run
  2. Select an employee who is casual or part-time
  3. Tap Edit
  4. Select an exisiting Earnings & Leave item or create a new one
  5. In the Period (optional) section enter a Date from and a Date to
  6. Tap Done
  7. The PAYG tax withheld will be calculated using the ATO's Tax table for daily and casual workers (NAT-1024).

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