Reckon Accounts Desktop: Class column in the Supplier Balance Summary/Detail report is missing

Legacy KB ID: 2146


Why cant I get all my classes to display when I view the Supplier Balance Report?


A class can be applied only to a transactions and not to any other Reckon entity.

If you have multiple classes on an invoice, then the class column in the Customer Balance Detail report's class column will only show the default class. This is the same class on the top of that invoice and not every itemised class that has been applied.

The correct way to report on a class is to make a Fast Report on a selected class, and filter it to show the required customers or suppliers as follows:

  1. Click on the "Lists" drop-down.
  2. Select "Class List".
  3. Using the mouse, right-click the required class and choose "Fast Report".
  4. Select "Modify Report".
  5. Go to the "Filters" tab.
  6. Ensure you're accurately filtering by Supplier Names using the "Names" filter.
    1. You can select "All Suppliers" from the filter's specific options.

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