Reckon Accounts Desktop: Error (-6155, 0) when trying to restore a backup

Legacy KB ID: 4181


When I try to restore a backup from a network resource to a local machine, why do I get an Error (-6155,0)?


Reckon does not advise restoring backups directly from network drives, external disks or USB sticks.

You should copy the backup to your local PC and then restore it.   


The company file is by default set to Read-Only.  You should save the restored company file to a new name.  If you wish to overwrite the existing company file you need to remove the Read-Only tag:

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to the directory your file is stored;
  2. Right click > Properties
  3. Uncheck the Read Only field
  4. Click OK to close. 

To restore your backup:

  1. Copy the backup file (* .QBB) from the network drive, external disk or USB stick to your local computer's Desktop.
  2. From the Reckon Accounts Business (formerly QuickBooks) File menu, choose Restore.
  3. Browse to the local Desktop and click the backup file you wish to restore and click Open.
  4. In the Restore Company To: window, browse to the local Desktop and click Save then click Restore. This will ensure that the file is both restored from and to the local machine. Once the file restores successfully, you may then copy your company file (*.QBW) from the local Desktop to the server or other network location. 

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