Reckon One: Adding Modules

To use any other module other than Core, you need to activate this module within your book. If this wasn't done at the time of purchase, you can always make changes at any time from within the Reckon Customer Portal.

From the Customer Portal, go to the relevant Reckon One book.

Click  and Choose Settings

Then select Edit  


The Customise your Reckon One modules screen gives the options to choose modules that you want to use in your book at a Lite or Medium level.  Remember all you need to get started is the Core module.  The other modules can be added, scaled up or scaled down as needed giving the freedom to run your business based on your requirements.



For more information on a module, click What's included.



Once either the Lite or Medium level of the module is selected, your package will be updated.



To proceed, click Next and then confirm you credit card details.


Click Send Secure Payment

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