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FAQ - Reckon One API

Q. I wanted to apply credit notes on invoices as well as bills. There is an endpoint to apply credit notes to invoices but none for bills. Please advise how I can achieve this?

The endpoint for bills and invoices is one and the same, you just need to update the target and source id numbers as per below:

  1. Invoice = 1,
  2. Bill = 2,
  3. BillCredit = 3,
  4. CreditNote = 4,
  5. JournalEntryPayable = 5,
  6. JournalEntryReceivable = 6,
  7. Payment = 7,
  8. Receipt = 8,
  9. Expense = 9,

Example: A bill credit is applied with the following logic:


Q. I am unsure how to use a custom date range in a report query. Can you provide an example please?

We sure can.

"Orientation": "Landscape",
"ReportingBasis": "AccrualsBasis",
"PeriodFilter": {
"PeriodType": "Custom",
"StartDay": "2015-12-31",
"EndDay": "2016-04-1"

Q. I am POST(ing) an ITEM and the purchase and sales price is coming through as 0 in the UI. What am I doing wrong here?

If you POST IsTaxInclusive: true then the Reckon One domain service expects a tax code [PurchaseTaxId, SaleTaxId] in your POST, even though this is not mandatory in the UI. ** We have added a backlog item to address this by blocking this call.  

Q. I am creating an invoice with the POST method and I keep getting an error: Tax for line 1 is incorrect however all of the amount calculations add up correctly. What could be wrong?

It is extremely likely you have used wrong tax code. Tax codes are tricky things, especially if you are not from an accounting world like us. For example in AU, the FRE code is 0% whereas GST is 10%. Therefore if you use GST on the line, yet your tax amount for the line is zero ($0.00), you will get this error until you change the tax code to FRE (or another tax code that has 0%). 

Q. I am having trouble with customer invoice discounts, especially where tax is involved. Can you explain how discounts work in Reckon One at both the TOTAL INVOICE and LINE level. 

When applying an overall invoice discount, the discounted invoice total must match the pre-discounted total less the discount amount/percentage. (eg if my pre-discount invoice amount is 125.0 and I apply a $25 discount, the post-discount invoice total must be $100).


If we simply apply the invoice discount percentage to all line items, we may not get the expected amount due to rounding errors. (eg if there are 3 lines and applying the discount percentage to each line results in each line rounding down, the total of the line items would be lower than the amount we need. If all rounded up the total of line items would be higher than we need.) If this happens, we need to adjust the line item amounts so they total to the expected amount. 

This is done as follows:

  1. Calculate invoice discount percentage.- If the user enters a % amount, use it.- If the user enters a $ amount, calculate the discount percentage as “$ discount amount / invoice total”.
    Note: If the invoice is set as tax exclusive, the invoice total used in the above calculation is the invoice tax exclusive amount.- If the invoice is set as tax inclusive, the invoice total is the tax inclusive total. 
  2. Calculate the required invoice total amount.- Apply the invoice discount amount/percentage to the sum of the pre-discount line item amounts (eg required total = (sum of pre-discounted line item amounts) * (1 – invoice discount %).
  3. Apply the invoice discount percentage to all line items.- Line item discount tax = line item tax * (1- invoice discount %).- Line item discount exTax = line item ex tax * (1 – invoice discount %). Step 4: Calculate the sum of the discounted line item amounts.- Actual total = sum of post-discounted line item amounts. Step 5: Apply any difference.- Compare the required total with the actual total. If there is a difference, sort the line items from largest absolute value amount to smallest then, starting with the largest amount, apply a 1 cent difference (positive or negative as appropriate) to each line item until the difference is 0.

E-0000000001: Error saving invoice (or other transaction) for this cashbook.

This error occurs when you have exceeded the character limit of our db. Common objects where this occurs are the following:


Character limit


Up to 1,000 characters


Up to 50 characters

Payment details

Up to 500 characters

Line description

Up to 1,000 characters

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