Upgrading to QuickBooks 2002 Trial on a Windows Vista and later PC, as part of an upgrade process

Legacy KB ID: 5026


How can I install the QuickBooks 2002 Trial onto a Windows Vista or later PC so that I can progress the upgrade of my company file to the latest version?


QuickBooks editions before 2007/08 are not fully compatible with Windows Vista / Windows 7 operating systems.  Follow the steps below to get QuickBooks 2002 Trial on the CD to install on Windows Vista (or Windows 7).

(Note:  similar steps apply for Windows 8.)


1.       Create a folder on your Windows Desktop into which you will install the QuickBooks trial versions:

a.    right-click on the Windows Desktop and select the option New then select the option called Folder

b.    change the name of that new folder to QBooksTrials


2.       Insert the Reckon Accounts 2013 Installation disc.

a.    If the User Account Control screen appears, select Cancel

Click on the Windows Start button on the bottom left corner of the screen and select Computer

This will open the Windows Explorer screen.

b.    if the Reckon Accounts Installation Interview screen appear, exit from the installation window by clicking the red X icon on the top right corner of that window

Click on the Windows Start button on the bottom left corner of the screen and select Computer

This will open the Windows Explorer screen.

c.    If the AutoPlay window appears select Open folder to view files

This will open the Windows Explorer screen.


3.       Browse the contents of the installation disc in your DVD drive (It may show up as DVD RW Drive with a drive letter such as E:).

a.    Go to the folder called Resources

b.    then go to the folder called Convert9  

c.    then to the folder called QBooks and find the file called Setup.exe


4.       Right-click Setup.exe and select the option Properties and then go to the tab called Compatibility


5.       In the Compatibility mode section, tick the check box option Run this program in compatibility mode for and select the system Windows XP service pack 2;


6.       In the Privilege Level section, tick the box Run this program as an Administrator


7.       Click the OK button to close the dialog box;


8.       Double click Setup.exe to install QuickBooks 2002

a.    If the User Account Control screen appears, select Allow

                                          i.    You may need to restart the computer and select the folder on the Windows Desktop for the installation directory.

                                         ii.    Once you restart, browse the disc once more.  Browse the contents of the installation disc in your DVD drive (It may show up as DVD RW Drive with a drive letter such as E:).

1.    Go to the folder called Resources

2.    then go to the folder called Convert9  

3.    then to the folder called QBooks and double-click the file called Setup.exe

b.    During the course of the installation process, choose the Setup Type called Custom and then click the Next button

                                          i.    Custom Setup will allow you to change the default location

                                         ii.    In the Install Location section click on the Change button

                                        iii.    Choose the installation location to be the folder you have created on the Windows Desktop called QBooksTrial and then click the OK button

Example: C:\Users\<UserName>\Desktop\QbooksTrials

c.    Click the Next button and follow the rest of the installation steps


9.       You may encounter some warning messages relating to problems installing shortcuts. Simply click the OK button


10.    You will be prompted to restart the computer in order to complete the installation. Click the Restart button to continue.


11.    Once the computer has restarted, locate the QuickBooks 2002 icon on your Windows Desktop,

a.    Right-click QuickBooks 2002 or the QuickBooks 2002 Pro icon and select the option Properties and then go to the tab called Compatibility

b.    In the Compatibility mode section, tick the check box option Run this program in compatibility mode for and select the system Windows XP service pack 2;

c.    In the Privilege Level section, tick the box Run this program as an Administrator

d.    Click the OK button to close the dialog box

e.    If the User Account Control screen appears, select Allow

f.     Click the Yes button to agree to the QuickBooks Licence Agreement screen


You are now ready to use QuickBooks 2002 Trial.  Click on the QuickBooks 2002 icon and open your company file to upgrade it.


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