Can I import Reckon Timer activities into a different Reckon Accounts File?

Legacy KB ID: 134


Can I import Reckon Timer activities into a different Reckon Accounts File?


This can be done with some minor modification to the file. You will need a spreadsheet program like Excel or Lotus SmartSuite to do this.

  1. Open the timer's export IIF file in Excel.
  2. You need to Delete the first two lines of the IIF file that contain the header.
  3. Save changes.
  4. Go through File and Import. Make a backup of your QuickBooks file and a copy of the timer file before doing this.

How did we do?

Adjust Payroll Liabilities message appears when importing an IIF file.

Error: The taxable setting in tax code NCG (or GST) has been changed. This can not be imported.

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