Company logo does not appear on e-mailed invoices

Legacy KB ID: 1130


Why does my company logo not appear on e-mailed invoices?


Reckon Accounts may be having problems converting your bitmap logo file to JPEG File Interchange format.

For a logo to appear on an e-mailed invoice, Reckon Accounts needs to be able to convert your bitmap logo file (which has a .bmp extension) to JPEG File Interchange format (which has a .jpg extension), and your logo file must be smaller than 200KB (kilobytes).  Try converting the file manually:

  1. Open your logo file in Microsoft® Paint.
  2. Choose Save As from the Paint File menu.
  3. Select JPEG File Interchange Format from the Save As Type drop-down list, then click Save.

If MS Paint cannot convert the file, Reckon Accounts cannot include it on e-mailed invoices.

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