Table of Contents

Migration Assistant: Prepare Leave Items

Prepare Leave Items

The Prepare Leave Items is the fifth page of the Reckon Accounts STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant. It has three main sections:

  1. Instructions
  2. Payroll Item List table – filtered list to display earning items
  3. Bulk Update section


  1. Help icon – navigates to STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant
  2. ATO Guideline – Paid Leave link – navigates to Reporting the amounts you have paid | Australian Taxation Office (
  3. Pre-fill Suggestions – a function that auto-populates the Tax Tracking Type of what the system proposes a Payroll Item may use based on:
    1. Payroll Item Special Type, i.e. VAC HOURLY/SALARY
Take note that Pre-fill Suggestions are just recommendations, but the Payroll officer should perform their due diligence before completing the setup.

  1. Apply button – used by bulk update for multiple selection
  2. Exit button – prompts to save changes then closes the Reckon Accounts STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant window
    1. Yes – save any updates and close the Migration Assistant
    2. No – do not save any updates and close the Migration Assistant
    3. Cancel – the action is cancelled and returns to the Migration Assistant window. Clicking 'X' on the dialogue also cancels the action.

  1. Back button – return to the previous page: Prepare Allowance Items
  2. Next button moves to the next page: Completion page



  1. Select a Payroll Item on the table
    1. Select the New Tax Tracking Type on the dropdown
    2. Else, leave the Current Tax Tracking Type if it is still applicable

Bulk Update

  1. Place a tick on two or more Payroll Items
  2. Click on the dropdown of the Bulk Update section
  3. Click Apply

Payroll Item List table

This section allows the selection of one or more payroll item that needs to be updated. By default, it displays the following:

  1. Filters the list to display active leave pay items only
  2. Sorting order is based on Payroll Item List in your Company File
  3. Displays 17 records at a time in a vertically scrollable page
  4. Current row selected will be highlighted in blue (not applicable for multiple selections)
  5. It will have 4 Columns:





  • Checkbox
    • Select/Deselect All
    • Select two or more
  • Holiday Leave
  • Sick Leave
  • Other 1 Leave
  • Other 2 Leave
  • Paid Parental Leave
  • Time In Lieu
  • Holiday Loading

Gross Payments

  • Leave – Cash out of leave (C)
  • Leave – Unused Leave on Termination (U)
  • Leave – Paid Parental (P)
  • Leave - Workers Compensation (W)
  • Leave – Ancillary and Defence Leave (A)
  • Leave – Other Paid Leave (O)

Examples of updating Payroll Items

Using Pre-fill Suggestions

Click on Pre-fill Suggestions button, and it will auto-populate the proposed New Tax Tracking Type. This is based on the following rules:



Payroll Item Special tags:

  • Holiday Leave
  • Sick Leave
  • Time In Lieu
  • Holiday Loading

Leave – Other Paid Leave (O)

Paid Parental Leave

Leave – Paid Parental (P)

One leave item

  1. Select a Payroll Item (highlighted in blue) i.e. Unused Annual Leave on Termination pay item
  2. Click on the dropdown on the New Tax Tracking Type
  3. Select the appropriate Tax Tracking, i.e. Leave – Unused Leave on Termination (U)

Multiple leave items

  1. In the Payroll Item list table, select two or more gross wages item by placing a tick on their respective checkbox, i.e. Cashed out Annual Leave pay items
  2. Click on the dropdown of the Bulk Update section
  3. Select a Tax Tracking Type, i.e. Overtime
  4. Then, click Apply

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