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Processing EOFY report in Reckon Payroll Web

End of Financial Year finalisation

Submit End of Financial Year (EOFY) report is an essential activity for employers using Single Touch Payroll (STP). You need to make a finalisation declaration by 14 July each year.

If you do not finalise by this date, you should do this as soon as possible to ensure your employees can access their information to complete their income tax return.

You can also submit EOFY report from the Reckon Payroll app on your mobile device Here

  1. Go to Reckon Payroll from your web browser. Enter your user email and password then click on the Log in button. Enter your MFA code to log in into your account.
  2. Click Compliance on the top navigation menu and select EOFY.

  1. Select the FY you wanted to finalise. Click Create FY20xx-2x button to create the EOFY report. A drawer will slide out with list of employees paid in the financial year. Select the employees who you want to include in the EOFY report. Click Create report when you ready to proceed.

  1. The EOFY report preview modal will appear showing the selected employees' gross payment for the financial year.
  • Click Print if you want to have a copy of the report.
  • Click Edit Report if you want to add or remove employee from the report.
  • Click Continue to declaration button to proceed.
  1. The Declaration drawer will appear. Enter the name and select the checkbox to confirm the EOFY details are correct. Click Submit to ATO button to send the EOFY report to the ATO.
    The Date cannot be change as it must be set to the date when you submit to ATO.
  2. The EOFY report submitted modal will appear when the report is submitted successfully. And you're done! You can click STP section on the modal or go to STP from the top navigation menu to check the EOFY submission status.

  1. You can check your submission right away by going to Compliance> STP

Zero Year To Date (YTD) STP submission

There are times when incorrect amounts are reported through STP. The ATO requires you to submit a zero year to date report via an update event to stop duplicate information being reported.

  1. Navigate to the EOFY page via the top navigation menu. Click Create FY20xx-2x report button.
  2. Select the employees who you want to zero their YTD amount. Check the Set all values to $0.00 checkbox then click Create report to continue.

  1. The preview report modal will appear. Note all values are $0.00. Click Continue to declaration button to proceed.
  1. The Declaration drawer will appear. Enter the name and select the checkbox to confirm the EOFY details are correct. Click Submit to ATO button to send the report to the ATO.
  2. And you're done! The $0.00 report will appear on EOFY list for the financial year.

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How to submit update event STP in Reckon One Payroll

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