Adding your Previous BMS ID in Reckon Payroll - Web

If you have transferred from a different payroll software part-way through the financial year, entering your previous BMS ID in Reckon Payroll - Web prevents duplicate data from appearing in employee income statements.

Learn how to find your previous BMS ID.

When to add the previous BMS ID

Add your previous BMS ID to Reckon Payroll before sending your first regular STP submission.

As soon as you transfer to Reckon Payroll, register your Software ID with the ATO and then enter your previous BMS ID in Reckon Payroll.

This will ensure the balances of the pay runs reported in your previous payroll software and Reckon Payroll will be attributed to the same income statement.

Entering the previous BMS ID

After creating your book and setting up your employees with YTD Entries, follow the below steps to provide the previous BMS ID to the ATO.

To transfer YTD amounts using the Previous BMS ID you need to ensure that your employees in Reckon Payroll use the same employee numbers as the prior payroll product.
  1. Click on Compliance > STP
  2. Select Create Update Event
  3. Select the correct financial year
  4. Enter their Previous BMS ID

  1. Select which employees are to be included in the update event
  2. Enters the relevant declaration details - Name and checkbox (date defaults to todays date for current fin year or 30 June for prior years)
  3. Once submitted the event is displayed in the STP submission screen

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How to submit update event STP in Reckon One Payroll

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