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Reports - Reckon One


From the vertical side navigation menu, expand Reporting menu and click on Reports centre.


Reckon One has a range of reports designed to help analyse and understand a business’s financial position. Reports are available by clicking on the Categories drop down menu. Reports can be printed or exported. The Reports displayed will be dependent on the modules that are active within the book. 

Reckon One reports (all modules active) are grouped into 10 categories;

  • Financial: Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, Account Enquiry.
  • Tax: GST/VAT Summary, Tax Code Transactions, Tax Code Exemption.
  • Payroll: Payroll Summary, Payroll Detail, Payroll Transactions Summary, Payment Schedule, Leave Balances and Accrual Value, Super Contributions By Employees, Super Transactions, Employee List - Payroll.
  • Banking: Bank Reconciliation, Bank Statement.
  • Employee expenses: Expense Claim transactions.
  • Analytics: Aged Debtor Summary, Aged Creditor Summary, Top 10 Customers, Top 10 Suppliers, Top 10 Income Accounts, Top 10 Expense Accounts, Budgets, Sales by item.
  • Customers: Aged Debtors, Aged Debtors Transactions, Invoice List, Customer Transactions, Estimate List, Uninvoiced Amounts, Unpaid Invoices, Uninvoiced Transactions.
  • Suppliers: Aged Creditors, Aged Creditor Transactions, Bill list, Supplier Transactions, Unpaid Bills
  • Advisor: Payment List, Receipt List, Journal List, Ledger Transactions, Transaction Line Items.
  • Lists: Account List, Bank Account List, Item List, Project List, Customer List, Supplier List, Tax Code List, Employee List.

All categories contains all reports available on the book. You can either scroll through the list to find the report you want. Alternatively you can type in text in the search box to find the report. For example, when you type in 'cust', 3 customer related reports will appear.

Marking as Favourite

You can also mark your most used reports as favourite, by clicking on the heart icon next to the report name. All favourite reports will appear on the Favourites category and on the reports side nav. To remove a report as favourite, de-select the heart icon.

Generating a Report

To run a report for example the PROFIT AND LOSS report select Financial from the Categories drop down menu, then click on Generate.

Modifying a Report

Choose the Reporting period and Comparison period if applicable. Scroll down once the options are selected to view the report. 

To further edit the report click on Show more options.


Select the modifications and filters you wish to apply to the report then click on Show fewer options to collapse the menu again. Click on Refresh to apply the changes to the report.

Exporting a Report

To export click on the drop down arrow beside Export to PDF and choose the required format. 

The report will download, once completed click on the drop down arrow and select to open from within the browser or from your computers Downloads folder.




You can double click on the report from the folder and launch it from there.



Generate Report from Dashboard

You can run reports with a single click from your dashboard!



Click on the graph or diagram and it will launch the relating report right from the dashboard.





You can click on a figure on the right hand side and Reckon One will drill down into an Account Enquiry report for you.



Classification Reporting

Classifications are a way to tag your transactions for more meaningful reporting. The use cases are wide and varied, however common examples are classifying transactions by region, sales rep, or business division. Classifications are non-mandatory.

To mange your classification settings, go to our classifications help page.

The customer transaction report and supplier transaction report are the first reports to include classifications. The Classification feature for Reckon One is a progressive release. Additional classification reporting will be available in subsequent updates. 

The customer transaction report is accessible via the Customers category in the Report Centre. The supplier transaction report is  accessible via the Suppliers category in the Report Centre.

Classifications are not enabled by default for these two reports. To enable classifications in the reports please do the following steps:

  • Open the report
  • Reporting > Reports centre > Customers (category) > Customer transaction report
  • Reporting > Reports centre > Suppliers (category) > Supplier transaction report
  • Click ‘Show more options’
  • Enable the classifications tick box
  • Choose whether you want to show all classifications or selected classifications
  • Set the reporting period and click refresh to update the report

When using a classification on a receipt, the classification is only applicable to the entries on the ‘New’ tab within the receipt. 

If a receipt is linked to a transaction (invoice, journal or supplier adjustment note) via the ‘Allocated’ tab within the receipt. The classification should be set within the linked transaction (invoice, journal or supplier adjustment note).

When using a classification on a payment, the classification is only applicable to the entries on the ‘New’ tab within the payment. If a payment is linked to a transaction (bill, journal or customer adjustment note) via the ‘Allocated’ tab within the payment. The classification should be set within the linked transaction (bill, journal or customer adjustment note).


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Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR)

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