Audit Company File Wizard - audit checks when a foreign currency a/r account exists

Legacy KB ID: 2142


Why are my Accounts Recievable and/or Accounts Payable showing question marks in my Audit Company File (ACF) wizard?


The section on 'Reconcile invoices with linked receivables account' and 'Reconcile purchases with linked payables account' only compare the differences between the foreign currency invoice/bill against the converted amount, if they are marked as questionable then the program is only notifying the user that there "could" be a discrepancy and that the user should check on this

The 'Audit Company File' feature is designed to simply alert the user to any differences between invoices and Accounts Receivable under any circumstance (even if due to foreign accounts).

It is then up to the user to investigate the reason there is a difference and confirm for themselves that a foreign currency account exists and this difference is valid. 'Audit Company File' does not illustrate that there is something wrong, rather that this is questionable, hence the ‘question mark’ icon and not a ‘cross’ icon

Also see article Q9795 The 'Audit Company File' and 'Company Information' screens are reporting incorrect file information

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