Improving efficiency of your Payroll Premier company file

Legacy KB ID: 3733


I’ve been using Payroll Premier for a number of years and as time goes by my company file takes longer to carry out its functions and is prone to crashing and corrupting my file.  What can I do to avoid these issues?


The biggest source of file instability is file size.  It is difficult to say how large is too large for a Payroll Premier company file as it is a combination of how long the file has been in operation, the number of employees (particularly past employees), the frequency of pays and the complexity of the pays. 


What is a large company file?

A good sign that your company file may be too large is if key processes take too long to complete.  If you regularly find that it takes so long that you think Payroll Premier has stopped working (and indeed you have a message saying “Not Responding”), then your file may be too large.  Key processes are:

·         Changing the printing preference from Date Paid to Pay End Date and vice-versa;

·         Calling up the Payment Summaries table;

·         Rebuilding the company file takes longer than 30 minutes.

These functions work through every employee, current and terminated, in carrying out their process. 


The “Not Responding” message

Quite often, a step in the process will take longer than the operating system’s expected time of response from the application.  When it does not get a response within this time it assumes that the application has stopped working and throws up the “Not Responding” message. 

When running these key processes a “Not Responding” message is misleading and should be ignored.  Allow the process to complete in its own time, however long that may be.  Do not end the process as you may corrupt the company file. 


Improving operating efficiency

Follow these steps to keep your file operating efficiently:

1.    Archive your file to remove older data every few years.

a.    Archiving will create another file with the current information which you can refer to if you need to access old data;

b.    You can remove unwanted data from your current file;

c.    Click here for directions on archiving your file. 


2.    Do not end a process when a “Not Responding” message appears

a.    Let it finish in its own time;

b.    Go to the Processes tab in Task Manager and view the Memory column for qpv.exe.  If it is still changing then it is still carrying out its processes;

c.    If necessary, let this process work overnight;

d.    End the process only if the memory level for qpv.exe has not changed for an hour. 


3.    Before printing Payment Summaries or upgrading, set the Printing Preference to Date Paid.


4.    Defrag the hard disk – this should be carried out as part of your regular computer maintenance program. 


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