Adjustment note print out is incorrect when printed through print forms area

Legacy KB ID: 4004


Why when printing from the Print Forms area, does my Adjustment Note using the default template print additional fields that are not visible and do not print when printing directly from the Adjustment Note on the screen?


If you will be printing from the Print Forms area regularly, you will need to create a customised template:

1.    Open an Adjustment Note and click the Customise button

2.    Click on Manage Templates on the Basic Customisation screen;

3.    Click on the Copy button in the bottom left-hand corner.  QuickBooks adds Copy of: to the name.  You may rename it;

4.    Click the OK button and then choose Designer Layout;

5.    Re-arrange; delete and add fields to produce the layout desired;

6.    Click OK and OK again to save it. 



Print from the screen only.

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