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Preparing your Company File - Reckon Accounts


Single Touch Payroll Reporting will extract information from certain fields in Company Information and Employee Information. If these mandatory fields are blank the Single Touch Payroll Report will not be accepted. Single Touch Payroll will be reported to the ATO via Reckon GovConnect STP. You will also need to adjust your Allowances payroll items to comply with new differentiation required.


You must have at least Reckon Accounts 2018 R2 to use the STP functionality. To check your version, open the Reckon Accounts product information window (Ctrl+1 on your keyboard). For more information on upgrading view this community article


Below are outlined the mandatory fields for Single Touch Payroll and where to update them.


Step 1: Check and complete required Company Information fields.

  1. Go to Company > Company Information and check and confirm correct details for:
    1. Legal Name
    2. ABN (Tax Rego ID)
    3. Legal Address
    4. Legal City
    5. Legal Postcode
    6. Payroll Tax Form: Phone No

Step 2: Required fields under Employee Info:

  1. Go to Employee Centre > right click employee > Edit Employee > Change Tabs to Personal Info, and check and confirm the fields:
    1. Last Name and First Name
    2. Click on Address and Contact tab
    3. In Home Address, Address Line 1, enter number and street name
    4. In City, enter Suburb, Town or City
    5. In State, select the relevant State
    6. In Postcode, enter the Post Code
    7. Change tabs to Payroll and Compensation Info and go to Taxes
    8. In the Employee Tax Reference Number field, enter the Tax File Number
    9. Change tabs to Employment Info and go to the Employment tab
    10. In Emp No. field, enter the Employee Number you have assigned the Employee 

Step 3: Adjustments to tax tracking type in Allowances

The ATO have introduced a requirement as part of Single Touch Payroll that requires you to differentiate between different allowance types. For most users this will require some effort to recategorise your allowances. This only needs to be completed once.


Reckon Accounts 2018 R1 introduced those different tax tracking types:

  • Allowances – Car
  • Allowances – Transport
  • Allowances - Laundry
  • Allowances - meals
  • Allowances - Travel
  • Allowances – Other


To edit your allowances, go to Lists > Payroll Item List > and select the Items where Tax Tracking is an allowance. Move through the wizard until you get to the Tax tracking type screen and adjust your allowance type from there. 





By default, when you upgrade any data file from 2017 and older versions into 2018 R1 and later, existing Allowances will be allocated to the tax tracking type ‘Allowances – Other’. You will need to edit each of the existing Allowances Payroll Items that you may have and assign them to the appropriate tax tracking type. You may need to create new Allowances payroll items.


Your company file is now SINGLE TOUCH PAYROLL ready 👍

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Single Touch Payroll - Reckon Accounts

Transmitting Data to GovConnect

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