Revoking the Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) for use on another device.

Legacy KB ID: 5698


I wish to change my device, which is currently setup for MFA, to a different device. How can I organise this change of the device?

I have changed the device that I used for MFA to a different one. How can I revoke MFA from old one and assign to the new one?


Revoke the MFA from the current device prior to removing/uninstalling the authenticator app from your device.

Please note, you will need your current device, where your MFA is configured, so you can get the revoke authentication code as part of the process to authorise the revoking process.
If you have the recovery PIN you can use it to revoke MFA for your account instead. Please follow this knowledge article on steps how to revoke MFA.

  1. Login to Portal and go to Profile
  2. From Multi-Factor Authentication section, click on REVOKE.
  3. It will send the Revoke authentication code to your current device.
  4. Enter the same code on the “Revoke multi-factor authentication” window as shown below or use your Recovery PIN.
    (If you are using browser extension, click on authenticator app to get the code)
  5. This will now revoke the authentication from your current device. It is now safe to uninstall or remove the authenticator from the same device.

if you wish to install the authenticator on your browser on PC instead of SMS, please view this knowledge article.

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