How to manually uninstall POS from your computer

Legacy KB ID: 4079


How can I manually uninstall POS from my computer?


1.    Uninstall using Windows Programs and Features.  If POS remains in the list, use a 3rd Party uninstaller.

2.    Delete the installation folder for POS:

a.    Before deleting, ensure you have saved the QBPOS.PDB, its backup, Screen Layout backups and any End of Day files in another location;

b.    The default installation directory is C:\Reckon\Retail Point of Sale Professional 20xx-xx and C:\Reckon\Retail Point of Sale Professional 20xx-xx Terminal; where:

                                          i.    refers to the year version; and

                                         ii.    refers to either Lite, Professional or Enterprise

3.    Delete the POS registry keys

a.    Create a Restore Point

b.    Open the registry by Run > regedit >enter (XP: Run > regedt32 > enter)

c.    Open HKey Local Machine > Software > Reckon

                                          i.    Delete QuickBooks Point of Sale

                                         ii.    Delete QuickBooks Point of Sale Administrator

d.    Open HKey Current User > Software > VB and VBA Program Settings

                                          i.    Delete POSMessagingSystem

                                         ii.    Delete Quickbooks Point of Sale

                                        iii.    Delete QuickBooks Point of Sale Administrator

                                       iv.    Delete QuickPOS

e.    Close the registry.


Additional Info

Rather than making a Restore Point, you could make a backup of the Registry.  With the Registry open click on File, Export, then in Export Range select All, add a File Name and select a Location and click OK.   

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