Unable to create the ‘\’ Folder . The system cannot find the path specified.

Legacy KB ID: 5547


Why do I get 'Unable to create the ‘\’ Folder . The system cannot find the path specified' and 'Failed to load auregfind Error, line 0, reason: the system cannot find the path specified.' error when trying to create an ABA file from online banking centre?


You will get this error if you have invalid characters like \/:*?<>| under the Company name field in the Company information centre.

REASON - Reckon Accounts use the Company Name as default export path for various files and Microsoft doesn’t allow the above characters to be used in a Folder name.

The most common cause of the error is when the Company Name has P / L at the end of it.

eg. if your Company Name is ‘Newco P / L’ and you try to export an ABA File, Reckon Accounts will try to export to C:\ProgramData\Reckon\Reckon Accounts 2017\Plus\NewCo P / L\ABA

However, Windows operating system doesn’t allow the folder ‘NewCo P / L’ to be created (due to the invalid character), hence the error message pops up.

You can Click on OK message and then the ‘Save As’ Window will appear, which lets you choose the folder path and save the export file.

To stop the error message from appearing in future, it is recommended to remove those invalid characters from the company Name field under company information.

Note: you can still have the character in the legal name and address fields.

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