Manage Company bank details

Bank details

The details of banks accounts used by your company for the purpose of Payroll can be entered into Reckon Payroll.

Each new Reckon Payroll book comes pre-loaded with two Bank accounts, which you can use as is, update with your company details, or close/delete if you want to create your own.

The pre-loaded accounts will be listed under the Open tab of the Bank details menu, which can be accessed via the settings tab.

Add Bank account (asset)

To add a Bank account (asset) open the Bank details menu and:

  1. Tap the Plus symbol in the top right hand corner
  2. Enter a unique Account display name
  3. Select Account type Bank account (asset)
  4. Enter the accounts BSB, account number, and account name
  5. Enter the APCA number
  6. Tap Done
  7. Account is listed and when selected the details entered will appear.
Additional fields

You have the option of providing the following further details about the account:

  • Date the account opened, though if it was opened before 01 Jul 2011 this field should be left blank.
  • Opening balance
  • Transaction lock off date
  • Financial institution
  • Inclusion of balancing transactions.

Add Credit account (liability)

To add a Credit account (liability) open the Bank details menu and:

  1. Tap the Plus symbol in the top right hand corner
  2. Enter a unique Account display name
  3. Select Account type Credit account (Liability)
  4. Tap Done
  5. Account is listed and when selected the details entered will appear.

Additional fields

You have the option of providing the following further details about the account:

  • Date the account opened, though if it was opened before 01 Jul 2011 this field should be left blank.
  • Opening balance
  • Transaction lock off date

Updating an account

You can update an accounts information at any time by:

  1. selecting the account
  2. tapping the the three dot menu in the top right hand corner and then selecting Edit.
  3. Once you have made the required updates, tap Done.

Closing an account

If you close a company bank account you can change the account status to closed in Reckon Payroll. The process is the same for both Bank accounts (assets) and Credit accounts (liabilities).

  1. Select the closed account
  2. Tap the three dot menu in the top right and select Edit
  3. Set the Account status to closed
  4. In the Closed as of field select the date the account closed
  5. Tap Done
  6. The account will be listed under the Closed tab

Reopen an account

If you need to reopen an account:

  1. Select the closed account
  2. Tap the three dot menu in the top right and select Edit
  3. Set the Account status to Open. This will remove the Closed as of date
  4. Tap Done
  5. Account will be listed under the Open tab.

Delete an account

You can delete an account that has a status of Open or Closed if it is no longer required. The process for deleting an account is the same for both Bank accounts (assets) and Credit accounts (liabilities).

Once an account has been deleted it can not be used again. You should only delete an account if you are certain it will never be needed in the future.
  1. Select an account
  2. Tap the three dot menu in the top right and select Delete
  3. In the confirmation box tap Delete
  4. Account is no longer listed under either the Open or Closed tab

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