Preparing Earnings for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 - Payroll Web


In the Earnings page there are two new types of earning types that are to be reported separately to the ATO:

  • Bonuses and commissions
  • Directors fees

If you use these types of earnings in your payroll, you will need to map the pay items to report them correctly. Please note that you can only map them if the earning item’s type is Variable. You will find the payroll items you can change under the Variable earnings tab.

Read the ATO guidelines for more information.

Adding the new fields in the STP Phase 2 Ready Checklist

To make the process easier, we display earnings that require action. These earnings will be displayed at the top of the grid and highlighted with the exclamation mark.

What you need to do
  1. Select Earnings from the STP Phase 2 Ready Checklist. The number of earnings requiring action will be displayed in the yellow banner
  1. Select the STP PHASE 2 TYPE drop down and select the relevant earning type
  2. Select Save.

Making an earnings item type inactive

If you are tracking Bonuses and commissions or Directors fees using a different earning type other than Variable, for example, Ordinary time earnings, you may need to make them inactive and re-create them using the Variable type. You can find these items under the Other earnings tab.

What you need to do
  1. Select Other earnings and find the particular earning type that needs to be reported separately.
  2. Select the ellipsis icon and select Disable
  3. Click on the Settings link within the What You Need to Do section or select Pay Items from under Settings on the top navigation menu
  4. Create a new Earnings pay item ensuring the Earnings type is Variable. The STP Phase 2 earnings type will be available to select the correct reporting category.
To simplify the process

We have provided the same options to each of the pages, as per the employees page to simplify the process.

  1. Displaying how many earnings need action
  2. A link to the relevant ATO guidelines page
  3. Quick steps on what you need to do
  4. Show all earnings - toggle between displaying all earnings within your book and those that require action
  5. Filter - you can enter an earnings name and search will begin once you enter the first character
  6. Bulk update - you can select the checkbox against the relevant pay items which then enables the Edit Items button. Selecting this opens a draw and allows you to select the option for the selected earnings.
  7. Sort - ability to select the column heading to sort the column. This is only available on read only columns

Adding the new fields in the Pay items

The new STP Phase 2 reporting category's are displayed within the pay items drawer when editing a variable pay item or creating a new variable pay item.

What you need to do
  1. Click Pay items under Settings on the top navigation menu
  2. Select Create pay item and select Earnings
  3. Choose Variable under Earnings type. The new STP Phase 2 earnings type field is available with the two additional reporting categories. Whilst preparing for STP Phase 2, this field is optional however it will need have a selection prior to switching to report via STP Phase 2.
  4. Complete the remaining fields and select Create

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Preparing Employees for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 - Payroll Web

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